
Pentaerythritol is a polyhydric alcohol that is employed as a chemical intermediate in the preparation of alkyd resins, paints, coatings and adhesives. It is valued for enhancing these products’ durability, hardness, and drying properties.

  • Synonyms
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number



Uses and Applications

Key applications

  • Alkyd Intermediate


  • Paint, Ink & Coatings


  • Serves as a fundamental component in the production of alkyd resins that find application in paints, varnishes and coatings.

  • It improves the film-forming and drying properties of products based on alkyd resins, providing good adhesion and durability.

  • Used in the formation of coatings and paints to be applied on metallic, wooden, and concrete surfaces.

  • Improves the durability of the finished coatings in terms of weather resistance, chemical resistance, and maintenance of the gloss level.

  • Used in adhesive formulations to enhance the adhesion performance and the overall performance of the adhesive products.

  • Improves the wetting characteristics and efficiency of the adhesive in various uses.

  • It is commonly used as a plasticizer in the production of plastics, synthetic rubbers, and polyurethanes.

  • Used as an ingredient in making explosives and blasting agents used in mining and construction industries.

  • Enhances the stability and effectiveness of explosive compositions.



 Pentaerythritol is shipped in sealed metal drums or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers for ease of handling and storage.