Sodium Silicate

Sodium silicate, commonly referred to as water glass is a chemical compound widely used in industries and homes. It is also characterised by high alkaline content and versatility of application.


  • Synonyms
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number



Uses and Applications

Key applications

  • Softner


  • Homecare


  • Widely used in water treatment industries for protection against corrosion and scale formation.

  • Organises a sheath on metal surfaces, which shields against corrosion and enhances the durability of equipment.

  • Used in detergent to act as a builder and a surfactant to boost the cleaning power of detergents.

  • Assists in washing off soil, oil, and grime on surfaces, making the surfaces clean and polished.

  • It is used in adhesive and sealant formulations because of its binding and adhesive characteristics.

  • It also displays high bond strength in bonding applications.

  • Used as sizing agents in papermaking and as binders in the formulation of paper coatings.

  • This increases paper strength and water resistance making paper quality better.

  • As a densifier and waterproofing agent in concrete, cement as well as in construction materials.

  • Enhances concrete strength and reduces the permeability of water through the concrete.


Sodium silicate should be stored in drums or containers with tight seals to reduce the chances of absorbing moisture and other contaminants. Its packaging provides protection while handling and storing it in various industries.