Sodium tripolyphosphate is a versatile product utilised in different industries and domestic uses. This is because it is characterised by its efficiency in softening water as well as improving the cleaning process.


  • Synonyms
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number



Uses and Applications

Key applications

  • Softner


  • Homecare


  • Used as an ingredient in detergents because of its ability to soften water and enhance cleaning performance.

  • It enhances the detergent performance through preventing mineral deposits and increasing the performance of soil removal.

  • Applied in water treatment and conditioning processes to prevent scaling and pipe corrosion.

  • Water quality is preserved and the lifespan of water distribution systems is elongated through the use of these structures.

  • But, incorporated into food processing as a sequestrant and emulsifying agent.

  • Enhances textural properties and increases the shelf stability of food products, especially processed meats and dairy.

  • It is used in the textile industry for planning and as a dispersing agent in dyeing procedures.

  • Enhances the dye penetration and dye fastness hence dyed fabrics have intensive and even colours.

  • Along with metal finishing products used in surface preparation and pre-treatment before further applications such as plating or coating.

  • It has better adhesion characteristics that help in getting a uniform deposition of coatings on metal surfaces.


Sodium tripolyphosphate is commonly transported and stored in bags or bulk containers. In this regard, its packaging makes it easy to handle as well as easy to store especially in industrial environments.