Calcium Carbide

Calcium carbide is a chemical compound which finds its application in the oil and gas industry especially in processes such as generation of acetylene, desulfurization, and carbide drilling. It is synthesized by heating calcium oxide with carbon in an electric arc furnace.


  • Synonyms
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number



Uses and Applications

Key applications

  • Ingredient


  • Oil and Gas


Calcium carbide on coming in contact with water releases acetylene gas which is used in welding, cutting and general metal working.

  • Applied in the sweetening of natural gas and crude oil to eliminate sulfur containing compounds and cut down sulphur production.

Used in carbide drilling operations in the exploration and production of oil and gas.

  • Used as a deoxidizer in the production of steel to eliminate oxidation products, thus enhancing the quality of steel.

  • Improves the length of steel production processes and lowers the costs of production.


Calcium carbide is usually stored and transported in sealed drums or other containers to protect the material from moisture and maintain its properties.