Ammonium bicarbonate

Ammonium bicarbonate is also known as ammonium hydrogen carbonate and is a white crystalline compound with the molecular formula NH4HCO3. It is a salt that is formed when ammonia reacts with carbon dioxide.


  • Synonyms
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number



Uses and Applications

Key applications

  • Leavening Agents


  • Food and Nutrition


  • Ammonium bicarbonate is used in cookies, crackers, and some types of bread as a leavening agent.

  • When exposed to heat it releases carbon dioxide gas making the dough or batter to become light and fluffy.

  • Serving as a buffering agent in food and beverages to help regulate and maintain the pH value of food and beverages.

  • Helps to improve the stability and quality of the products on the market.

  • It is utilised as a dough conditioner that improves the quality of the dough and other related bakery products.

  • This contributes to the formation of a tender and soft crumb structure.

  • It has the ability to prevent the growth of bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms during the processing of the food products.

  • Can be useful in extending the shelf life of certain baked products.

  • In small proportions, ammonium bicarbonate is used as a flavour enhancer, particularly in baked foods and other fermented food products.

  • Contributes to the development of unique and complex flavours.


Ammonium bicarbonate is typically available in various packaging forms, such as bags, drums, or bulk containers, depending on the intended use and quantity required in the food industry.