Liquid Glucose

Liquid glucose is also known as glucose syrup which is a thick and clear liquid obtained from starch by means of hydrolysis. It is thus a monosaccharide primarily composed of glucose and this gives the sweet taste.


  • Synonyms
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number



Uses and Applications

Key applications

  • Sweetner


  • Food and Nutrition


  • Used in production of foods such as candies, chocolates and gummies among others, liquid glucose acts as a sweetening and texturing agent.

  • Incorporated during the preparation of foods such as cakes, cookies and pastries to sweeten them as well as to help them stay moist for longer durations.

  • Acts as a stabilizer in jams and jellies to enhance moisture retention and prevent crystallisation in order to create a smooth texture.

  • Improves the quality of texture of ice creams and sorbets as it reduces the size of the ice crystals that form.

  • Used as a fermentable sugar in the brewing of beer and other alcoholic products to help in the process of fermentation.

  • It is also added to energy drinks to help replenish the depleted energy stores in athletes and other physically active individuals.


Liquid glucose is normally packed in bottles, jars and other large containers depending on the capacity of the industrial and other buyers.