Sodium Metabisulfite

 Sodium metabisulfite is a white crystalline substance that is widely used as a preservative and microbial agent. It is widely used in the food industry as a food additive to enhance the shelf-life of the product by controlling bacterial, yeast, and mould growth.


  • Synonyms
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number



Uses and Applications

Key applications

  • Preservative


  • Food and Nutrition


  • To ensure that dried fruits, vegetables and snacks do not get discoloured and to retain their freshness during storage and transportation.

  • Added in the production of wine and beer to prevent spoilage by microorganisms and to consolidate the product.

  • It effectively checks the oxidative rancidity in fats and oils hence the shelf stability of products such as margarine and fried products.

  • Employed as a bleaching agent to make flour and dough products better in terms of texture and colour by removing any natural pigments that might be present.

  • Enhances the textural and rheological characteristics of the finished breads and pizza crusts and dough stability.

  • Used as a disinfectant in the food processing equipment and food contact surfaces to minimize the risk of contamination with microorganisms in foodstuffs.


Sodium metabisulfite is readily available in various forms such as bags, drums, and bulk orders to suit the various industries and users.