Sodium Metabisulphite

Sodium metabisulphite commonly comes in the form of a white crystalline powder that has a pungent sulphur smell and is produced from sodium sulfite. Popular for its antioxidant and preservative characteristics; it is highly soluble in water.


  • Synonyms
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number



Uses and Applications

Key applications

  • Preservative
  • Chlorine Remover


  • Food and Nutrition
  • Leather and textiles
  • Water Treatment and Mining


  • Commonly applied in the food and beverages sector to extend the shelf life and minimise the possibility of bacterial development.

  • Combines the function of an antioxidant and increases the shelf life of different products.

  • Widely used in wine production to minimise the action of oxygen and other microorganisms that are likely to spoil the wine.

  • Aids in the preservation of wines through such processes as ageing and bottling while at the same time preserving the colour, flavours, and aroma of the wine.

  • A developer and stabiliser used in the processing of photographic film and paper.

  • Safeguarding of developing agents against oxidation to provide a quality image.

  • It acts as a disinfectant and a dechlorinator in water treatment processes.

  • Eliminates residual chlorine and restricts bacterial development in swimming pools and spas.

  • Used to process textiles as a bleaching agent and preservative.

  • It assists in purging of contaminants and expanding the storage life of textile products.


Sodium metabisulphite is carefully packed to preserve its quality and effectiveness to allow accurate measurements of application and safe use in different industries.